2017 Wrapping it up
General wrap up from the year.

The Kindness of Tennessee (Volstate 500k - part 2)
For all the unpleasantness and disappointment I took away from the state of Tennessee last month, I experienced an equal or greater...

Getting Back Together With Running
Running sucks. Some days more than others, but in general, when you think about it. Running sucks. We put our bodies through hell, lose...

Quitting While You're Ahead (Volstate 500k - part 1)
I lay here, on the side of State Highway 22 somewhere between Huntingdon and Clarksburg, TN in a little dead end driveway along a fenced...

Running from Failure
Do you ever have that haunting feeling, like you left something undone? Unaccomplished? Unfinished. Yet, you can't really put your finger...

Why am I running the Vol-State 500k?
This is something I've asked myself many times in the past few months before and after registering for the race and something I've been...

The "Boston Double" Marathon
It was several years ago that I was first introduced to the idea of running the Boston Marathon not once, but twice in a day. This was...

Run4Water 24 hour
"You're just not there yet." These words were uttered to me by a very close friend the day after my soul-crushing disappointment of a...

Trusting Your Body (When Your Mind Tells You Not To)
If there is one thing I've learned in my years of running and racing, it's that the most important thing you can do going into race day...

Running for Something Greater
"Just get me there - I've been working toward this for 4 years." I'm not even completely sure who said this to me with about a mile to go...